Our Friends The Elephants

These animals are good candidates to say something a little more about. Each elephant has its own character, and the variety in their characters is surprising, especially the bulls who are more tolerant towards us. These bulls are indeed to the monarchs of the African bush, battered and gnarled from all the rigors of life, having survived the troubles of fights, drought, and often intense heat.

Each of these elephants is unique and we do our best to spend time with some of these individuals. Some we have known for three decades. We hope you have the opportunity to spend time with them on safari no matter whether in Mana Pools or Hwange as it makes little difference to the experience you will have when you get to relax in the presence of one of these giants. To settle down in the company of an elephant and forget the world is something worth doing.

Special Requests

Guests choosing to do longer stays with us will have the opportunity to do fly camping where we use dome tents for a night or two away from the camp, such as the Chitake spring in Mana Pools.